We Raise Foundation: Emerging Leader Grant

From We Raise Foundation

The mission of the funder is to invest in the development of young Christian leaders between the ages of 20-35 who are initiating programs at the intersection of poverty, violence, and inequality in the United States, aiming to create a significant, lasting impact on the programs they lead and their personal leadership skills, with a deep commitment rooted in faith in Christ.

Type of Support


The Emerging Leader Grant aims to support young leaders of Christian organizations in the United States by providing $15,000 over two years. The grant supports new programs addressing poverty, violence, and inequality with $10,000 and allocates $5,000 towards the leadership development of the grantee. Leadership development opportunities include attendance at a Leadership Fundamentals conference and the Global Leadership Summit, plus individualized leadership coaching. The grant seeks leaders who are inspirational, effective communicators, visionary, persistent, capable of building trust, deeply engaged in their community, and have a calling to their work rooted in their faith in Christ.


Organization's Location
amet cupidatat
Program Location
Organization Type
Cillum cupidatat excepteur
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  • veniam magna reprehenderit consectetur ad laboris
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  • commodo tempor aute ullamco laboris culpa non
  • anim tempor dolor minim deserunt Lorem est occaecat
  • consectetur nulla irure in aute Lorem dolore sint quis id dolore elit


Quis non id non officia commodo nisi cupidatat magna amet
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Duis aliqua tempor cupidatat
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Consectetur culpa
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Proident cupidatat veniam exercitation pariatur cupidatat consectetur laborum adipisicing
Amet dolore cupidatat id nisi ipsum proident incididunt sint incididunt


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