Robert Sterling Clark Foundation: Leadership For Equity Grant

The Robert Sterling Clark Foundation invests in the potential of people to build a stronger, more equitable New York City. It focuses on fostering leadership among New Yorkers to address and correct structural inequities, with a strong belief in developing leadership as a practice open to all, rather than a select few.

Type of Support


The Leadership For Equity Grant supports projects that develop diverse leadership within New York City. It emphasizes investments in programs that approach leadership as an evolving practice, prioritizes race equity, encourages sustained relationships through cohort-based initiatives, and demonstrates a long-term commitment to effective leadership development. The grant aims to fund efforts that gather individuals across different groups for sustained interaction, promoting systems-level change and equity-focused leadership.


Organization's Location
culpa do
Program Location
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Organization Type
Amet nostrud irure in elit magna
  • anim quis reprehenderit non velit quis
  • proident laborum occaecat consequat qui magna officia
  • amet mollit dolor dolor aliquip sit proident ipsum aliqua
  • excepteur enim ullamco enim aliquip qui tempor dolore


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Minim duis id nulla officia eiusmod
Sint dolor veniam
Voluptate incididunt amet nisi do commodo laborum excepteur
not specified


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