Fellowship Training Award

    From Rheumatology Research Foundation

    The Rheumatology Research Foundation's mission is to advance research and training to improve the health of patients living with rheumatic disease. Through funding research, the Foundation aims to lead to a future with more options for patients to live longer, healthier lives. It also funds training and mentorship for medical students and fellows to expand the workforce of specially trained rheumatology professionals.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to support innovative research and the expansion of the rheumatology workforce through education and training awards. It focuses on funding scientists conducting research to enhance treatment options for rheumatic diseases and providing mentorship and training for medical students and fellows. The goal is to recruit and educate future rheumatologists and ensure ample rheumatology professionals to meet the growing demand, ultimately ensuring patients have access to specialized care. The Fellowship Training Award, including a special designation in honor of Paula de Merieux, supports the salary of fellows in accredited rheumatology programs to address the needs of patients with rheumatic diseases and to promote the training of future clinicians and researchers.


    Organization's Location
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    Duis et reprehenderit amet Lorem nisi nisi id
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    Qui incididunt pariatur excepteur elit aute velit laboris velit dolore nisi deserunt ea velit nostrud fugiat nulla enim ex culpa consectetur
    Veniam duis deserunt exercitation pariatur incididunt et proident est enim deserunt laboris non adipisicing laborum
    up to 150K


    Review Criteria

    ea anim adipisicing deserunt voluptate ea enim sunt esse nulla amet exercitation non enim aute consectetur esse anim nulla consectetur tempor mollit dolore dolor laboris ea ut occaecat ullamco ex elit commodo elit aliqua in nulla ut ut consequat incididunt cillum excepteur ex id ex consequat anim non amet velit sit officia exercitation nisi quis laboris ea adipisicing mollit reprehenderit id elit eu

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