Fellowship Training Award for Workforce Expansion

    From Rheumatology Research Foundation

    The Rheumatology Research Foundation's mission is to advance research and training to improve the health of patients living with rheumatic disease. Through funding research, the Foundation aims to lead to a future with more options for patients to live longer, healthier lives. It also funds training and mentorship for medical students and fellows to expand the workforce of specially trained rheumatology professionals.

    Type of Support


    The grant programs offered by the Rheumatology Research Foundation are designed to support both the advancement of research into rheumatic diseases and the expansion of the rheumatology workforce. These programs include funding for cutting-edge research projects with the potential to greatly enhance treatment options for rheumatic diseases. Additionally, the foundation emphasizes the importance of education and training for medical students and fellows, offering awards that facilitate the recruitment and education of future rheumatologists. Specifically, the Education and Training Awards aim to address the growing demand for rheumatology professionals by supporting the development of future generations in the field. Another key component is the Fellowship Training Award for Workforce Expansion, which provides funding to enable the training of rheumatology fellows at institutions facing financial constraints or aiming to establish new training programs or slots. This effort is particularly focused on ensuring an adequate supply of rheumatology providers to meet the needs of patients across the country, especially in underserved areas.


    Organization's Location
    nulla ut
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Officia culpa ipsum proident labore
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    up to 150K


    Review Criteria

    labore proident veniam ut id reprehenderit quis nisi anim enim ad ipsum Lorem cillum ea officia

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