Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation Grant Program

The Foundation aims to enhance the vitality of Indianapolis and maintain its competitiveness globally and within the U.S. by focusing on key areas such as education, health, and economic development. Through strategic funding, it seeks to address challenges in academic achievement, public health, and workforce readiness, ensuring Indianapolis is a thriving city that attracts and retains talent.

Type of Support


The grant program supports initiatives in three main focus areas: education, health, and the vitality of Indianapolis. In education, it aims to improve academic outcomes for Indianapolis students, particularly those from low-income families and minority groups, and to minimize underemployment by enhancing education and training programs. In health, the Foundation seeks to reduce tobacco use and address substance use disorder, focusing on factors like poverty, poor mental health, and the criminal justice system. For the vitality of Indianapolis, the program supports economic drivers such as job creation and talent development to ensure the city's competitiveness in the 21st-century economy. Grants are awarded by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, which meets quarterly.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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