CFBMC: Precision Health Network Grants

From Community Foundation of Bloomington & Monroe County

he Community Foundation was established in 1990 to encourage and manage philanthropic support for the long-term benefit of the community and all those who call it home.

Type of Support


The Precision Health Network Grants support the development or enhancement of community health education and health outcomes. This grant program specifically focuses on improving health education and outcomes within the community, indicating a commitment to boosting overall health and well-being through informed and targeted interventions.


Organization's Location
mollit nostrud
Program Location
ex sint ex adipisicing pariatur irure in pariatur non culpa
Organization Type
Consequat elit
Eu elit
  • dolor officia excepteur irure eu
  • excepteur nostrud ad ad amet
  • culpa anim sint in dolor
  • consequat aliquip non do ea
  • velit exercitation pariatur anim culpa
  • enim nisi est qui sint
  • laborum id proident aute cillum
  • est officia sint sint quis
  • dolore ad cillum anim culpa
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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