Poinsatte-Altman Foundation Grant

The Poinsatte-Altman Foundation is focused on supporting the Fort Wayne/Allen County area. Though specific details of the foundation's mission are not provided, its grants and actions are tailored to enhance the welfare and meet the needs of this community.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Poinsatte-Altman Foundation is dedicated to funding projects and programs that fulfill several key objectives. These include supporting year-round programming and providing direct services that mirror the organization's core social mission. The foundation prioritizes projects that respond to community needs with demonstrated demand, benefit underserved populations through broad impact, and present measurable outcomes with plans for documentation and sustainability. Additionally, it values initiatives that feature diversified income sources, financial accountability, collaborative efforts with other organizations, and complement rather than duplicate existing non-profit work. Eligible organizations must have at least three years of full service and propose projects or programs with at least one year of verifiable impact.


Organization's Location
aute ea
Program Location
consequat sint Lorem
Organization Type
Ullamco cupidatat tempor est laboris ut


Laborum minim ipsum
Ex minim exercitation reprehenderit
Enim et fugiat pariatur ex non tempor sint
Veniam veniam
Exercitation veniam
Ad sint dolor ipsum
Fugiat excepteur quis exercitation consectetur tempor
Incididunt cupidatat aute sunt mollit
not specified


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