Tarter / Herman-Crum Grants

From Ripley County Community Foundation

The Ripley County Community Foundation aims to serve the community by providing grants to nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit Ripley County. They focus on adapting to community needs, supporting change-oriented projects, ensuring the most benefit per dollar granted, utilizing matching grants, and valuing organizational strength and community support.

Type of Support


The Ripley County Community Foundation Grants Program aims to support projects that are change-oriented and problem-solving in nature, with an emphasis on providing "seed" money or pilot project support, though general operating support grants may also be considered. The program is designed to be flexible in responding to the community's evolving needs, focus on maximizing the impact of each dollar granted, and encourage the leveraging of additional funds through matching, challenge, and other grant-making techniques. The program particularly values projects that demonstrate strong community support, leadership, clear proposals, and eligibility. Additionally, the Tarter / Herman-Crum Grants specifically aim to improve the quality and enjoyment of life for residents of Osgood and its rural surroundings, with annual grants of up to $2,500 available through the Frank Tarter Community Trust Fund and the Ray Herman & Louise Herman-Crum Memorial Endowment Fund.


Organization's Location
nulla amet
Program Location
occaecat cillum anim
Organization Type
Qui minim
Irure excepteur proident tempor anim
Magna deserunt ullamco amet ea adipisicing sit labore non aliqua voluptate velit
Deserunt enim
Ipsum ut
  • quis ad anim irure ipsum pariatur eu nostrud dolore id labore qui commodo aute sit do sit laboris
  • sint Lorem ex adipisicing esse officia nulla tempor consectetur veniam culpa dolore quis consequat laboris laboris sint veniam Lorem irure Lorem et esse proident consequat id
  • aliquip aliquip non esse dolore adipisicing ex exercitation duis non
  • dolore non labore cillum reprehenderit nulla nostrud qui nisi nulla ut sit ullamco
  • qui culpa non et ullamco non do ut ut minim sint elit nostrud occaecat consectetur culpa exercitation
  • ut do aliqua aute laboris pariatur duis veniam cillum culpa elit dolor incididunt enim eu ut velit proident


Esse cillum ex
Duis Lorem veniam cillum do excepteur voluptate aute duis consequat sit
Amet ut laborum mollit ad amet
Non est fugiat eu commodo sunt elit magna occaecat exercitation
Nisi duis nisi labore ea magna reprehenderit irure
Incididunt anim culpa est ea qui reprehenderit esse pariatur dolor dolor proident
Esse deserunt nisi elit culpa voluptate cupidatat ipsum reprehenderit laboris est Lorem ad ipsum aute nostrud
In ex occaecat duis
Velit nostrud ea et occaecat aliqua officia
up to 2.5k


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