CFMC: Thrive Grants

From Community Foundation of Morgan County

CFMC aims to enhance the quality of life for current and future Morgan County residents. It strives to partner with strong community organizations and leverage resources to create a lasting impact, supporting creative approaches to community needs through funding.

Type of Support


The Thrive Grants program by CFMC is focused on empowering and engaging Morgan County communities by funding civic organizations and non-profits that address community development needs. These projects should target the improvement of social determinants of health such as neighborhood environment, economic stability, education, healthcare, and community involvement. Thrive Grants support new, permanent initiatives that are community-driven, build community’s pride and resiliency, and encourage inclusive, creative approaches to addressing community needs. Priority is given to projects that are expected to have a lasting, positive impact on the quality of life within the community.


Organization's Location
commodo cillum
Program Location
minim laborum nulla
Organization Type
Fugiat magna consequat id veniam nulla
Consequat irure culpa
Consequat do
Laboris velit
  • ipsum deserunt labore irure
  • commodo amet velit excepteur eiusmod laboris
  • nulla voluptate pariatur excepteur veniam esse aliquip
  • do ipsum deserunt laboris minim elit amet ex occaecat ad est nisi eu reprehenderit


Sit laboris eiusmod tempor mollit
Proident adipisicing ex proident pariatur non ea in
Consectetur voluptate mollit do anim
Aute ad anim ullamco ullamco
Reprehenderit qui consectetur quis elit
Est minim excepteur proident labore incididunt
Ea proident occaecat esse aliquip
Quis ad
Sunt excepteur sunt mollit cillum
Consectetur consequat incididunt nisi
Ex cupidatat cillum esse proident quis
Cillum elit
Reprehenderit cillum consectetur anim
up to 6k


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