Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust Grant

From Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust

The Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust aims to improve and enrich lives in the Pacific Northwest, supporting organizations aiding the underprivileged and promoting values-based programs that improve education and social well-being. It seeks to uphold the economic, political, and cultural institutions of American heritage, including constitutional government and private enterprise, to help create a better world with the guidance of God.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust has broad goals of supporting education, youth development, community building, public policy, arts, culture, museums, and addressing immediate needs. Over 15 years, it has awarded more than 560 grants totaling over $22.5 million, demonstrating a legacy of hard work and a "hand-up" spirit, reflecting the founders' commitment to using their resources for community benefit.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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