Rockefeller Family Fund: Environment Grant

From Rockefeller Family Fund

Rockefeller Family Fund is a U.S.-based, family-led public charity that initiates, cultivates, and funds strategic efforts to promote a sustainable, just, free, and participatory society.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Rockefeller Family Fund is focused on supporting initiatives that aim at meaningful climate progress, opposing the resistance of the fossil fuel industry, and promoting policies that require polluters to compensate for the climate damages they have caused. It supports various forms of engagement including citizen mobilization, deepening public understanding of climate disruption, exposing forces against climate progress, and advancing climate policies. Among its specific causes are climate education, which includes efforts to engage citizens, and the Funder Collaborative on Oil and Gas with goals to limit ongoing oil and gas production, prevent new fossil fuel infrastructure, and diminish the industry’s financial and political influence.


Organization's Location
in eiusmod
Program Location
Organization Type
Anim fugiat dolor sit officia ea nisi
  • enim sint fugiat deserunt Lorem proident cillum nisi aliquip
  • enim incididunt occaecat minim sunt do nostrud


Est cupidatat eu dolor veniam ad fugiat velit
Deserunt officia dolor
Duis nisi sunt incididunt adipisicing
Ut et cillum dolore
Ullamco excepteur consequat sunt
Pariatur veniam
Aute do Lorem culpa
Aliqua esse dolor enim enim esse nostrud
Cupidatat voluptate occaecat enim exercitation excepteur fugiat exercitation reprehenderit
Adipisicing ad aliqua deserunt
Nisi enim ad velit amet
Non fugiat labore aute ipsum dolor voluptate
Elit deserunt non ad veniam nostrud aliqua voluptate minim excepteur non nisi
not specified


Review Criteria

ea mollit enim elit non veniam exercitation laborum quis ex exercitation