Rupert Ford Travel Award

From Royal Meteorological Society

The Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) is the UK’s leading society for weather and climate. Its mission focuses on strengthening science, raising awareness about weather and climate importance, supporting meteorological professionals, and inspiring enthusiasts. It serves as a key custodian of meteorology science and profession in the UK and plays a significant international role through its diverse programs for members, the public, policymakers, and the wider meteorological community.

Type of Support


The Rupert Ford Award, administered by the Royal Meteorological Society, is named in honor of Dr. Rupert Ford. The award's purpose is to support outstanding young scientists from around the world in the field of meteorology or associated physical oceanography, specifically focusing on air-sea interaction. It funds travel for these scientists to pursue research work or study at a centre of excellence outside their own countries, fostering their development and contributing to advancements in the field.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Review Criteria

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