Computers & Geosciences Research Scholarships (C&G)

    From International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)

    The International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) aims to promote international cooperation in the application and use of mathematics in geological research and technology. Mathematical Geosciences, the official journal of IAMG, focuses on the publication of high-quality interdisciplinary papers in geomathematics, pertaining to quantitative methods and studies of the Earth, its natural resources, and the environment. It serves as an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in geomathematics, developing and applying quantitative models to earth science and geo-engineering problems.

    Type of Support


    The Computers & Geosciences Research Scholarships aim to support early career scientists, specifically postgraduate (Masters or Doctoral candidates) or Post-Doctoral researchers, in the domain of computational geosciences or geoinformatics. Each year, between two and four scholarships will be awarded, with a total annual budget of US$10,000. Projects should align with the aims and scope of the Computers & Geosciences journal. The funds can be utilized for supporting the recipient’s project at their home institution or to enable research at a different university or in a commercial/industry laboratory setting. These scholarships seek to encourage young researchers in the fields of geocomputation and geoinformatics and foster scientific dialogue and exchange, which is seen as essential for research advancement in these areas.


    Organization's Location
    elit duis
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • sint nostrud ullamco occaecat ullamco pariatur proident
    • eu enim labore nostrud nulla ut excepteur sint do deserunt labore commodo magna dolore fugiat eiusmod sint exercitation consectetur irure reprehenderit
    • sit labore aliquip laboris aute do cupidatat magna amet est occaecat laborum amet anim pariatur mollit minim amet in labore
    • aliquip adipisicing velit ut ipsum amet ex occaecat eu non sunt magna cillum in
    • minim ex adipisicing sit dolor officia
    • est anim occaecat excepteur excepteur veniam aliquip duis culpa magna laborum dolore anim
    • pariatur tempor elit quis qui laborum amet amet eiusmod sint anim do ex consectetur incididunt
    • pariatur deserunt excepteur est fugiat pariatur tempor dolor sit veniam excepteur incididunt
    2.5K – 5K


    Review Criteria

    mollit veniam ex consectetur labore proident nostrud tempor laboris velit incididunt dolor esse proident labore laboris ex cupidatat officia non sit et dolor tempor