AISES ExxonMobil Geosciences (Field Work) Scholarship Program

From American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) focuses on increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers. It supports educational journeys through programs and scholarship opportunities aimed at helping students acquire the necessary skills and training to meet the unique STEM needs of Indigenous communities.

Type of Support


The ExxonMobil Geosciences Scholarship, offered in partnership with ExxonMobil by AISES, is designed to support undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students who are pursuing studies in the geosciences. This scholarship aims to assist with academic costs, field work, and research expenses, ensuring students have the financial support needed to advance in their studies and contribute to their fields. Through ExxonMobil’s generous contribution, this scholarship program underscores the commitment to developing highly skilled professionals who can meet the geosciences challenges and opportunities within Indigenous communities and beyond.


Organization's Location
culpa quis
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 3k


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