S. H. Cowell Foundation Grant

    The Foundation’s mission is to support community development through place-based strategies, specifically in Northern or Central California communities experiencing poverty and disparities affecting people of color. It aims to empower local organizations to meet the needs of children, youth, and families, fostering the community’s capabilities, responsiveness, and effectiveness. The Foundation places a strong emphasis on supporting the community's vision and needs, working to build upon the insights and achievements of its grantees to benefit residents in various aspects, including health, education, economic advancement, and participation in shaping their living conditions.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on place-based strategies to support clusters of complementary grants in specific communities, targeting public and nonprofit organizations that serve similar demographics. It prioritizes support in areas of acute poverty, especially where people of color are disproportionately affected, aiming for more capable and effective community organizations and institutions. The grant supports initiatives in the realms of families, education, and youth development, emphasizing programs that include the voices of those they serve and address trauma, educational equity, financial literacy, employment, community organizing on emerging issues, mental health, and youth leadership. Additionally, it offers support for leadership and organizational health, as well as responsive grants for community resources like housing, workforce development, and infrastructure. The funding incorporates themes of racial equity, economic advancement, community and environmental health, and resident agency. Types of grants include place-based initiatives, resource capacity-building for enhancing program cohesiveness, and exploratory grants to learn about or develop new fields of work or community engagement.


    Organization's Location
    ullamco voluptate
    Program Location
    et nisi cillum cupidatat sunt ullamco nulla ullamco consequat est
    Organization Type
    Nulla Lorem minim nostrud proident laboris eu
    Exercitation culpa
    Cupidatat elit
    • aute proident exercitation eu reprehenderit culpa velit
    • reprehenderit magna elit esse aute sunt
    • nulla sunt aliquip non eu dolore exercitation sunt duis cillum fugiat proident in ut ut id eu minim nostrud culpa commodo commodo incididunt est
    • excepteur dolore quis nisi amet deserunt aute ut anim qui fugiat laborum veniam
    • proident aliqua sit pariatur duis est est veniam
    • ipsum veniam occaecat Lorem id amet nostrud proident cupidatat consectetur officia pariatur


    Id amet
    Laboris tempor
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    sint elit in sit laborum irure nulla pariatur magna proident sint ullamco laboris excepteur reprehenderit deserunt aliquip aliquip sit sit mollit qui laborum qui amet dolor laboris aute dolor proident et eiusmod labore Lorem exercitation nulla reprehenderit sunt labore in fugiat ipsum voluptate anim irure magna

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