Corporate Contributions - Family Stability Grant Cycle

From Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia), through its partnership with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS), is committed to being a compassionate and contributing neighbor. Their mission is to support their local communities by addressing the most significant challenges faced by families, notably educational disparities and basic needs, to ensure family stability and the educational success of children. They commit over $1.4M annually to these efforts.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on the broad goals of improving family stability and educational success within local communities where Sandia operates. It aims to support non-profit organizations in their efforts to provide and sustain stable home environments for families in crisis, with a particular focus on those with children. Specific areas of support include hunger relief services, housing support for those experiencing homelessness, workforce development for under-employed populations, and comprehensive support services for families and children in temporary crisis situations. The program emphasizes sustainable improvement in these areas and encourages partnerships between organizations to maximize efficiency and avoid duplicative efforts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Alameda County, Contra Costa County, San Joaquin County), NM (Bernalillo County, Sandoval County, Torrance County, Valencia County)
Organization Type
Qualified 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organizations
  • Operate in specified counties
  • New Mexico – Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia counties
  • California – Alameda, South San Joaquin, and East Contra Costa counties
  • Programs must demonstrate a practice of nondiscrimination and inclusion
  • Programs that provide equal opportunity and access regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity


Individual schools
Student teams/clubs (exception: Climate Education Grants/Livermore site)
Expenses associated with an individual’s enrollment in an educational institution (example: scholarships)
Professional development conferences/workshops (exception: Teacher Professional Development)
Sponsorships for fundraising events
5k – 25k


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