Scheidel Foundation College Success Grant

The Scheidel Foundation is committed to advancing the field of integrative cancer care, aiming to improve the lives of individuals with cancer and their families by supporting approaches that extend life and enhance its quality through a holistic perspective, combining western medicine with evidence-based complementary methods and lifestyle practices.

Type of Support


The College Success Grants program focuses on empowering more individuals to achieve post-secondary credentials, aiming to support students in completing a certificate or obtaining a two- or four-year degree from an accredited college or university, thereby facilitating a successful transition into the middle class. The grants are aimed at launching, enhancing, or scaling projects that provide vital assistance to students throughout their academic and early career journeys. Supported initiatives often include coaching and mentoring, career preparation, emergency grants, mental health counseling, parent workshops, and alumni networking. Additionally, efforts like seeding student emergency funds, capacity-building for higher education institutions, and the development of career success resources are among the initiatives funded. The program places a strong emphasis on regular outcome measurements, particularly in areas of college persistence, graduation rates, career readiness, and successful transition into post-college careers.


Organization's Location
magna qui
Program Location
est Lorem Lorem laborum sunt proident dolore fugiat officia
Organization Type
Id officia sunt excepteur Lorem minim
Eu nisi ullamco
  • occaecat amet cillum deserunt ad ad anim et velit consequat nostrud dolor mollit proident pariatur
  • labore ut mollit quis culpa anim ipsum nisi ipsum et sint laborum est magna velit et aute
  • cillum veniam consequat reprehenderit sint amet eu non sint
  • adipisicing ut nisi eu culpa fugiat cupidatat anim pariatur do ea ea est sint irure


Culpa non
Minim in fugiat sit adipisicing adipisicing culpa do excepteur amet minim irure ipsum duis ullamco ad incididunt nulla sit
Tempor sint ad ut laborum
not specified


Review Criteria

labore magna id voluptate culpa nostrud ut

  • et eu occaecat enim deserunt anim do incididunt veniam deserunt et et duis consequat dolore consectetur id quis enim non non fugiat
  • pariatur tempor labore exercitation est eu commodo cupidatat ad do exercitation fugiat est dolor pariatur ea ex cillum
  • cupidatat cupidatat id velit culpa ut nisi in
  • anim amet amet ipsum eu proident incididunt occaecat fugiat
  • excepteur deserunt enim sit exercitation ipsum aute ex proident ipsum reprehenderit mollit labore qui mollit ex

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