SEAS for Undergraduate Students

From Society for American Archaeology

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) aims to empower its members to understand humanity’s past through ethically-based scientific and humanistic investigation. Its mission is to promote the preservation of archaeological resources and cultural heritage through support of legislation and education, create collaboration between the profession and descendant communities, and assist in the professional growth of its members. SAA strives to champion archaeologists in their efforts to advance knowledge and protect the past for society, aiming to build a more ethical, just, and equitable future for the profession.

Type of Support


The Student Excellence in Archaeology Scholarship (SEAS) aims to increase the number of under-represented minorities obtaining degrees in archaeology by providing funding to minority archaeology students. This support is designed to help them enhance their education and prepare for careers in archaeology and heritage management. Specifically, SEAS for Undergraduate Students supports archaeological training or participation in research programs for undergraduate minority students, not limited to field schools. Awards can reach up to $3,000, with one to two scholarships available annually.


Organization's Location
dolore veniam, velit consectetur
Program Location
Organization Type
  • sint et velit proident culpa est ut culpa magna consectetur veniam enim tempor qui Lorem magna voluptate incididunt aute voluptate exercitation
  • quis esse sit dolore aute aute voluptate velit dolor nisi culpa pariatur aute in sunt commodo eiusmod excepteur consectetur proident adipisicing
  • aute ullamco non labore aute nulla nostrud aute eiusmod enim sint
  • aute incididunt quis non commodo ipsum ipsum enim irure veniam id est quis cupidatat eiusmod cupidatat reprehenderit anim dolore ipsum amet ex aliqua quis sunt do
  • mollit voluptate tempor ex ex reprehenderit laboris ipsum ea sunt reprehenderit occaecat commodo dolore adipisicing veniam
  • anim qui exercitation nostrud excepteur elit cillum cupidatat minim aliqua proident laboris amet deserunt ut cupidatat irure dolore consequat duis nulla fugiat id
  • aute esse velit cillum do nostrud occaecat est aliquip consequat anim duis et ad mollit cupidatat laboris nisi magna reprehenderit enim pariatur esse sint cupidatat
up to 3k


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