SC Humanities Planning Grants

From South Carolina Humanities

SC Humanities aims to enhance the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. It focuses on providing high-quality programs that enrich minds, broaden perspectives, foster positive human relationships, encourage good citizenship, and unite the state's diverse populations. SC Humanities, established in 1972 and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports programs that are balanced, open to dialogue, integrity-driven, and ethical.

Type of Support


SC Humanities seeks projects with several core objectives. These projects should encourage critical analysis of values, beliefs, and attitudes; raise public awareness of the humanities' importance in daily life; build alliances across the state by collaborating with local organizations; target underserved areas ensuring statewide access; focus on initiatives with the potential for lasting impact; preserve and promote South Carolina's history and culture; harness current technologies for broader communication; and demonstrate collaboration among educational and cultural entities for interdisciplinary exchanges. Planning Grants, supporting preliminary project planning work with awards up to $5,000, are part of this endeavor, emphasizing the need for detailed planning due to a project's length, scope, or cost. These grants cover costs like consulting services and travel but not project director salaries. Planning activities aim for completion within months, leading to a major grant application to SC Humanities or another source.


Organization's Location
Lorem officia
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.