Fast Track Literary Grants

From South Carolina Humanities

SC Humanities aims to enhance the cultural and intellectual lives of all South Carolinians. It focuses on providing high-quality programs that enrich minds, broaden perspectives, foster positive human relationships, encourage good citizenship, and unite the state's diverse populations. SC Humanities, established in 1972 and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports programs that are balanced, open to dialogue, integrity-driven, and ethical.

Type of Support


The Fast Track Literary Grants program supports new or existing public literary programs. These programs may include writers series, festivals, conferences, workshops, or writers’ residencies at schools. The grants aim to encourage the development and expansion of literary programs that engage and benefit the public.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations
  • Located in South Carolina
  • Humanities must be central to the project


Nonprofit sponsoring organization required for applicants
Creative or performing arts performances
Programs advocating for a specific ideology or viewpoint
Programs exclusively for college students or faculty
Programs with high ticket or registration fees
Courses, scholarships, awards, fellowships, or individual research (excluding programs for teacher CE credits)
Publications or scholarly writing/editing projects
Capital projects (land, buildings, restorations, constructions, acquisitions)
Food, alcoholic beverages, or entertainment expenses
Expenses incurred or paid before the grant is awarded or the grant period starts.
up to 3k


Visit Apply for more information.