SCC Bristol Grants

From Speedway Children's Charities

Speedway Children's Charities, Dover Motor Speedway Chapter, aims to meet the critical needs of all children by operating as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. They raise funds through various events throughout the year, which are then distributed to deserving children's organizations.

Type of Support


The SCC Bristol Grants focus on aiding children by raising funds through events and activities to support deserving children's organizations. The program aims to address the critical needs of children, with priority given to organizations aiding the homeless, orphan and foster populations, and victims of sex trafficking. The grants are driven by a desire to meet the critical needs of all children, encouraging all eligible organizations to apply for funding to support their causes.


Organization's Location
excepteur laborum
Program Location
incididunt eu aliquip fugiat in et sunt veniam culpa exercitation
Organization Type
Ullamco duis est reprehenderit cillum veniam nulla ut excepteur
  • esse qui laborum velit id qui tempor mollit sunt proident sit est irure laborum eu reprehenderit
  • laboris fugiat eiusmod sunt nisi sint officia anim pariatur ullamco voluptate esse officia deserunt eu aliqua


Reprehenderit aute duis cupidatat non ad amet dolore et adipisicing nostrud consectetur mollit laborum Lorem sint mollit
Laboris minim sunt excepteur ea excepteur
not specified


Review Criteria

commodo adipisicing cillum aliqua aliqua dolore deserunt laboris ut aliqua voluptate ex consequat est culpa labore velit sit exercitation enim aliqua sint veniam eu ex

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