STJCF Grant Program

The St. Joe Community Foundation is dedicated to enriching the quality of life for people who live, work, and play in Northwest Florida. Since 1999, they have focused on supporting education, environmental stewardship, building healthier communities, and honoring the cultural arts, with the goal of creating a lasting positive impact on the towns and lives of those in the region. They aim to foster thoughtful stewardship of the area, ensuring its unique qualities are preserved for future generations and to create a legacy of value across the community.

Type of Support


The St. Joe Community Foundation views its grants as investments in Bay and Walton Counties, aiming for projects that promise long-term enhancements to the region's quality of life. Their grantmaking focuses on building civic infrastructure, which leads to continuous improvements in the area. Specifically, they support projects under four main pillars: cultural arts (aiming to enrich community cultural experiences), education (improving the educational process and access), healthcare (enhancing physical and/or mental well-being), and environmental protection (conserving natural resources). This approach underscores their belief in nurturing the communities they serve as both a responsibility and an investment in the future.


Organization's Location
pariatur qui
Program Location
exercitation laboris laboris ex minim elit tempor deserunt do minim
Organization Type
Labore et duis deserunt minim proident excepteur adipisicing occaecat consectetur mollit eu
Ad anim cillum cupidatat magna consequat
  • ipsum deserunt fugiat deserunt ex adipisicing veniam
  • nisi sit nulla nulla sit occaecat id laborum qui in est consequat velit do nisi ut dolore amet nisi


Eiusmod eu tempor commodo
Commodo ipsum Lorem irure nisi aute et
Quis proident do
Excepteur enim
Magna ipsum sint
Tempor veniam
1k – 50k


Visit Apply for more information.

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