All Stars Helping Kids Cohort Grant

From All Stars Helping Kids

Our mission is to disrupt the cycle of poverty and encourage innovation by seed funding start-up nonprofits in the Bay Area. We believe the convergence of our three tenets are essential to the development of a whole child from early childhood to college: Access to Education, Career Readiness, and Health & Wellness.

Type of Support


The grant program offers $25,000 of unrestricted funds and the possibility of renewal for up to three years, aiming to assist start-up nonprofits in the Bay Area. The focus is on programs that support Access to Education, Career Readiness, and Health & Wellness, aiming to disrupt the cycle of poverty and encourage innovation. Additionally, the program provides resources and guidance to ensure the sustainability and impact of the funded projects.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Organization Budget And Years
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