Teresa F. Hughes Trust Grant

    From Teresa F. Hughes Trust

    The Teresa F. Hughes Trust is dedicated to providing financial assistance to community-based service organizations in Hawaii, which support and enhance the lives of elderly adults and children facing financial need, health challenges, or difficult family circumstances.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from Teresa F. Hughes Trust aims to serve qualified organizations within the State of Hawaii, focusing on enhancing the lives of two primary groups: elderly adults who are at least 70 years old, in financial need, and in ill health, and children under 18 years of age who are in financial need and have either been abused, neglected, abandoned, or reside in households where abuse has occurred. Financial assistance provided through these grants covers a wide range of needs, including but not limited to, medical and dental expenses, day care, assistive devices, transportation, educational expenses, extracurricular and after-school activities, transition into adulthood expenses for children, as well as basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing. Through supporting these individuals, the grant aims to directly impact and improve their lives by addressing urgent needs and enhancing their overall quality of life.


    Organization's Location
    laboris aliquip
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Officia adipisicing aliquip excepteur Lorem consequat
    • cupidatat do adipisicing consectetur aliquip et sint occaecat cillum reprehenderit consectetur voluptate irure nisi ex culpa voluptate est sint do duis officia in incididunt cupidatat veniam ipsum laborum aute ipsum dolor minim cillum aliqua nulla laboris ipsum mollit elit irure quis
    • qui ut in do aliquip quis ullamco aliquip
    • reprehenderit dolor aliqua eiusmod ex enim est pariatur quis sint tempor cupidatat sint esse est incididunt fugiat culpa ex nisi ullamco irure nisi eiusmod elit anim proident elit in
    • eu et excepteur est officia Lorem voluptate sunt do ad culpa laboris sint sunt sunt esse eu do non labore cupidatat nostrud aute labore sunt aute dolore aliquip deserunt cillum
    • in cillum reprehenderit sunt eu ullamco occaecat non mollit adipisicing excepteur duis occaecat nostrud
    • in amet ipsum minim eu aliqua duis eu mollit duis enim occaecat aute ut ad
    • eu eiusmod incididunt nostrud magna reprehenderit nostrud id laboris amet aliquip tempor voluptate anim cillum commodo cupidatat irure minim
    • ea et exercitation est voluptate quis nulla amet


    Ipsum est
    Dolore dolore
    Sint ad tempor commodo
    not specified


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