Thrasher Research Fund: Early Career Awards

From Thrasher Research Fund

The mission is to support the development of researchers in child health by providing funding to new researchers, aiming to establish them as independent investigators in this vital field.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to promote the growth of early-career researchers in the field of child health by offering small grants. With a focus on not just any specific disease but on various aspects of children's health, the program seeks applicants who demonstrate potential for significant impact through medical research. The Early Career Award Program values the potential of applicants to become leaders in children's health research, considering both their research skills and their dedication to the field. The quality of the applicant's mentor and the strength of their mentoring relationship are also critical factors in the selection process. Up to 32 awards are distributed annually, divided into two funding cycles with 16 awards each.


Organization's Location
fugiat amet
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 25k


Review Criteria

nulla cillum sunt culpa aliquip nostrud eiusmod velit elit dolor incididunt ut excepteur ut occaecat laborum cupidatat magna officia in sint consectetur qui cupidatat adipisicing aute veniam pariatur velit excepteur duis

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