At Toyota, we believe an auto company can also be a vehicle for change. Toyota partners with nonprofit organizations in the U.S., focusing on improving the communities where we live and work. Our mission encapsulates support for education (with a priority on STEM), inclusive mobility, and community resilience, particularly in environmental sustainability and safety.
Toyota's grant program is designed to support broad social goals by funding nonprofit organizations that operate within specific areas of interest. These areas are categorized into primary focuses, such as Education (with an emphasis on STEM for workforce development), Inclusive Mobility (developing solutions to ensure everyone has access to mobility), and Community Resilience (enhancing resilience through investing in environmental sustainability and safety measures). Beyond these primary areas, Toyota also considers projects in Health and Human Services, Arts and Culture, and Civic and Community engagement as secondary priorities. Successful funding requests must benefit a large number of people, engage with local educational initiatives, have clear and measurable objectives, include evaluation and reporting mechanisms, provide leadership and development opportunities, target youth within their priority areas, and demonstrate financial or strategic commitment from other funding bodies.
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