ASMBS: Research Grants

    From TREO Foundation, Inc.

    The Bryan Woodward Community Grant Program aims to combat the obesity epidemic by supporting local initiatives. It particularly focuses on areas that have hosted or are near "a Walk from Obesity" events, underscoring its commitment to fostering healthier communities through targeted, actionable projects.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to address the obesity problem by sponsoring scientific research focused on bariatric surgical procedures and the enhancement of post-surgical outcomes. The specific cause it supports is the advancement of medical knowledge and practices in the field of bariatric surgery to improve health. The total funding available for each grant request is capped at $25,000.


    Organization's Location
    Lorem nulla
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    Organization Type
    Incididunt elit
    • culpa laborum aliqua do ut ullamco proident aliqua
    • deserunt sint aute officia adipisicing ea ut cupidatat in nisi veniam velit sit sunt exercitation officia
    • veniam adipisicing dolore consectetur elit aliqua in adipisicing
    • incididunt ipsum anim anim nisi aute ad exercitation sit velit
    • culpa incididunt id veniam eu aliqua aliquip nostrud
    up to 25K


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