Tucker Foundation Grant Program

From The Tucker Foundation

The Tucker Foundation aims to financially support non-profit organizations that develop the character and skills in young people necessary for a productive and happy life. Additionally, the Foundation focuses on conserving essential elements of our natural environment indefinitely.

Type of Support


The Tucker Foundation grant program provides financial support to non-profit organizations to produce in young people the character and skills required to live a productive and happy life, along with organizations that conserve essential elements of our natural environment forever. Its broad goals include supporting education through scholarships, capital projects of special interest, and the general support of schools and colleges. In environmental conservation, the Foundation prioritizes the acquisition of land or conservation easements aimed at perpetual preservation, along with general support for operating activities and other land conservation methods. The grant also extends to arts and cultural organizations and activities, focusing on educational programs, as well as human and social improvement activities, specifically those that are community-wide.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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