Vitalyst Health: Spark Grants

From Vitalyst Health Foundation

Vitalyst Health Foundation aims to enhance the health of individuals and communities in Arizona by fostering partnerships, providing capacity building resources, and grant support to aligned organizations. Their mission focuses on connecting, supporting, and informing efforts to foster community health improvements across Arizona.

Type of Support


Spark Grants are designed to support collaborative efforts aimed at addressing systemic changes in community health. The grants back planning stages for partnerships exploring solutions to clearly identified health problems within specific systems. These grants are not meant for projects with already identified solutions, pilots, or research. Instead, they fund the critical initial planning phase, where partners come together to devise strategies to tackle systemic health issues. Awards range between $10,000 and $25,000 for a one-year period, supporting the collective journey towards systemic health improvements.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Arizona-based organizations with a tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
Government organizations
Faith-based organizations
  • Serving Arizonans
  • 1 Spark grant submission per organization
  • Collaboration required: Two or more organizations/groups working collaboratively as partners
  • New initiatives only: Not a program or continuation of an existing program


Current Innovation or Systems Change Grant awardees
Applicants who seek funding for programmatic or direct service
Applicants seeking funds for capital expenditures and long-term capital assets
Applicants seeking general fundraising sponsorships
10k – 25k


Visit Apply for more information.