Keck Foundation: Research Grant Program

From W. M. Keck Foundation

The W. M. Keck Foundation aims to advance the frontiers of science, engineering, and medical research. Through its funding programs, the Foundation seeks to support pioneering discoveries that have the potential to generate significant insights or open new avenues in their respective fields.

Type of Support


The W. M. Keck Research Program is dedicated to empowering groundbreaking research in the domains of Medical Research and Science & Engineering. The program is uniquely focused on projects that are innovative and daring, challenging existing paradigms, or capable of establishing new fields of inquiry. It targets proposals that are distinct in their approach, aiming to fund work that not only advances knowledge but also has the potential to catalyze significant breakthroughs. Priority is given to projects from major universities, independent research organizations, and medical schools, especially those engaging in novel biological, physical science, and engineering research, including the development and implementation of new technologies, instruments, or methods.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Research universities
Medical colleges
Major private independent scientific and medical research institutes
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status including public charities as defined by Section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) or 170(b)(A)(I-VI)
Exempt operating foundations as defined by Section 4940(d)(2)
  • Must provide IRS determination letter demonstrating exemption from federal taxation
  • If located in the State of California, must provide a California FTB letter demonstrating exemption from California State Franchise or Income Tax under Section 23701(d)
  • Required to submit current full, certified, audited financial statements if in existence for five or more years, or at least two consecutive audited financial statements if in existence for less than five years
  • Must submit the most recently filed complete Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990), or Form 990-PF for exempt operating foundations
  • If part of a collaborative project, the lead institution must be identified, and all members must meet eligibility requirements
  • Government units not receiving an IRS determination letter must submit a Declaration of Status
  • If part of a group with an IRS tax-exempt determination, must provide the determination letter and an attestation of continued group status
  • Legal and financial documents must be current, in the full name of the organization, and consistent across submissions
  • The grant agreement will be governed by California law
  • Fund projects that are in emerging research areas, could develop breakthrough technologies or methodologies, are innovative, interdisciplinary, and high-risk, have transformative potential, fall outside public funding missions, and require W. M. Keck Foundation support for success


General operating expenses, endowments, or deficit reduction
Grants to individuals
Public policy research
General and federated campaigns, including fundraising events, dinners, or mass mailings
Book publication and film productions
Conference or seminar sponsorship
Medical devices and translational research
Treatment trials or research for the sole purpose of drug development
Capital Projects
Private foundations (other than exempt operating foundations) or 509(a)(3) organizations
Institutions located outside the United States
Institutions without at least three consecutive years of certified audited financial statements
Institutions lacking a tax-exempt ruling from the federal government (and State of California for those in CA) or government units without a signed Declaration of Status
Institutions that are subsidiaries or affiliates of larger entities without a separate board of directors and independent audited financial statements
“Conduit” organizations, unified funds or organizations using grant funds to support others
1M – 5M


Step 1: Pre-proposal
Application deadlines
Nov 1
May 1, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)

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