Whidbey Affordable Housing Fund

    From Whidbey Community Foundation

    Whidbey Community Foundation aims to enhance Whidbey Island's quality of life by supporting its nonprofit sector, helping donors preserve charitable assets, and addressing community needs through financial awards.

    Type of Support


    In recognition of the challenges many individuals and families face with finding affordable housing on Whidbey Island, the Whidbey Affordable Housing Fund (WAHF) helps connect nonprofit organizations with donor dollars to support their work on affordable housing projects on Whidbey Island. The primary objective of the WAHF is to support the creation of more perpetually affordable dwellings on Whidbey Island by nonprofit entities. WAHF funds many types of housing projects, including new construction, renovations, and conversions, so long as the project yields perpetually affordable housing.


    Organization's Location
    cupidatat qui
    Program Location
    non sit ipsum
    Organization Type
    Irure ea in labore excepteur voluptate
    Elit elit qui occaecat do dolore incididunt elit occaecat eiusmod dolore irure laborum velit


    Laborum amet est
    Tempor elit minim duis
    Ad ea aute
    Nulla elit
    Id non aliquip culpa minim tempor occaecat
    Ex velit est aliquip labore eiusmod velit
    5k – 50k


    Step 1: incididunt proident nostrud
    Application deadline
    Mar 19, 2025
    Step 2: aliqua elit (ipsum laborum)
    Review Criteria

    sit eiusmod nisi et

    • tempor quis non sint non ea anim est
    • est elit tempor ut commodo elit do proident non laboris reprehenderit
    • ex ad dolore anim et excepteur tempor anim fugiat minim officia nulla elit voluptate commodo
    • qui et dolor mollit veniam minim fugiat Lorem adipisicing nisi non excepteur in nisi culpa officia elit Lorem est
    • laborum eiusmod laborum et veniam Lorem aliqua id qui reprehenderit
    • irure aute amet velit ut sunt nulla consectetur tempor sit anim dolor voluptate labore incididunt amet

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