WFA’s Wild Felid Legacy Scholarship

    From Wild Felid Research & Management Association

    The mission of the Wild Felid Research and Management Association focuses on encouraging and supporting university research efforts geared toward understanding and conserving wild cat species. This includes awarding scholarships to help further the studies and projects of graduate students dedicated to these aims, honoring the memory of biologists who significantly contributed to wildlife conservation but lost their lives in the process.

    Type of Support


    The Wild Felid Legacy Scholarship aims to provide financial aid to graduate-level students who are conducting research on wild felids in the Western Hemisphere. The scholarship supports studies intended to enhance our understanding and conservation strategies for wild cat species. Scholarships range from $1200 to $1500, the number of awards depending on available funding. Suitable candidates demonstrate a need for financial aid, are actively involved in relevant research projects, and have commendable recommendations from academics and project supervisors. Recipients are recognized in the Wild Felid Monitor, the WFA's newsletter.


    Organization's Location
    sunt dolore
    Program Location
    id magna mollit reprehenderit labore nulla in culpa incididunt pariatur
    Organization Type
    • minim labore aliqua do magna in nisi ad cupidatat quis officia commodo dolore nulla
    • ea cupidatat ad cupidatat enim voluptate ipsum velit esse nisi fugiat quis qui ullamco eiusmod anim mollit officia mollit
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    • culpa sit cillum nisi in officia aliquip proident aliquip ex fugiat cillum laborum eiusmod commodo labore nostrud do qui cillum ad voluptate non consequat commodo est ullamco
    1.3K – 2K


    Visit Apply for more information.