McGowan Charitable Fund Grants

The McGowan Fund honors the legacy of William G. McGowan by prioritizing programs that demonstrate success, measurable outcomes, and sustainability plans, aiming to end cycles of poverty and suffering. It focuses on education, emphasizing academic achievement, high school graduation, and college success; human services, with an emphasis on homelessness; and healthcare & medical research, particularly in preventing cardiac disease and reversing metabolic syndrome through lifestyle management.

Type of Support


The grant program from the McGowan Fund supports initiatives across three main areas: Education, Human Services, and Healthcare. For Education, it targets programs that address achievement gaps and disparities among students, supporting out-of-school programs, alternative schooling options, and scholarships for high-achieving students in private settings. In Human Services, the focus is on breaking the cycles of poverty and homelessness by stabilizing housing, ensuring food and clothing security, promoting adult education, and preventing homelessness. For Healthcare, the grants aid in providing access to essential services like primary care, dental, vision, and mental health services for families lacking healthcare options. The fund operates in five geographic regions, emphasizing innovative programs with measurable improvements.


Organization's Location
cupidatat voluptate
Program Location
est nisi minim nisi excepteur consequat est nostrud voluptate ex
Organization Type
Et exercitation mollit ea id incididunt
  • ad nulla


Veniam cupidatat ut ut qui
Consectetur consectetur veniam enim nisi nostrud anim laboris anim fugiat pariatur ea in labore culpa velit ullamco
Irure proident esse laboris
Fugiat nostrud proident dolore est
Ad commodo culpa aliqua do sunt et qui reprehenderit culpa
5k – 250k


Step 1: nisi voluptate culpa
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: qui exercitation (occaecat exercitation)

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