The Williamsburg Community Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in greater Williamsburg by connecting people with causes that matter. It focuses on managing charitable funds, providing grants and scholarships for key community needs and opportunities, building endowment funds for changing needs, stewarding charitable funds effectively, advising donors, and serving as a resource and coordinator for charity.
The Community Endowment Grants program focuses on supporting a variety of philanthropic efforts within Williamsburg, James City County, and York County. This includes areas such as the arts, civic affairs, community development, conservation, cultural activities, education, historic preservation, and social services. Specific causes supported by these grants include increasing access to the arts, supporting public art and performances, enhancing the management capacity of arts organizations, early childhood development, youth enrichment programs, quality of life improvements for children and young adults with special needs, child protection, improving quality of life for lower-income residents, supporting wellbeing through direct services and education, environmental education and conservation, engagement in local natural resources, along with services and programs for senior citizens including those aimed at Alzheimer's care.
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