Wyomissing Foundation Grants

Since 1927, The Wyomissing Foundation has been dedicated to improving the quality of life in their community through charitable support. They fund diverse projects that include the work of local community organizations and major global initiatives. The Foundation focuses on addressing changing community needs by supporting various categories of grants.

Type of Support


The Wyomissing Foundation offers grants in several categories to meet the evolving needs of the community. These categories currently include Community Grants, Economic Development Grants, Family Grants, and a grant program for Pandemic Recovery and Sustainability. Community Grants focus on addressing issues within Berks County across various sectors such as arts and culture, health and human services, environment, education, or community development. These grants aim to establish new initiatives, expand or enhance existing programs, support organizational development, contribute to capital campaigns, and provide limited general operational support. Additionally, the foundation has introduced a new grant program to aid in pandemic recovery and sustainability efforts. Organizations interested in applying for Community Grants must contact the foundation staff or submit a letter of intent as a preliminary step. Unsolicited proposals for Economic Development and Thun Family Grants are not generally accepted, indicating a preference for collaborative discussions prior to application submission.


Organization's Location
Program Location
PA (Berks County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Use of a fiscal agent in limited circumstances
  • Must address significant critical community issues
  • Fields of interest include Arts and Culture, Environment, Education, Health and Human Services, Community Development, and Economic Development
  • Must provide evidence of the criticality of the issue and measurable indicators of success
  • Grants typically for one year, with multi-year grants being occasional
  • Normally, only one grant is awarded to an organization in a 12-month period
  • The Foundation should not be the sole funding source


Requests for endowments
Operating funds on a sustaining basis
Funds for individuals, social or fraternal organizations or profit-making enterprises
Purchase of tickets, tables, advertisements or sponsorships
Parties, conferences, fairs or festivals
Animal rights programs
Those activities that would jeopardize the Foundation’s charitable status.
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Feb 27, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)
Review Criteria

A significant portion of the grants are allocated to the local community.

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