David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund (Atlanta) Grant

From David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund

In memory of her parents, Marian Woodward Ottley established the David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund with the mission to make the world a better place for future generations. The Fund seeks to fulfill this vision by supporting non-profit institutions, corporations, associations, and governmental agencies in New York and New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) that are dedicated to religious, educational, charitable, or scientific purposes.

Type of Support


The David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund grants support non-profit institutions, corporations, associations, and governmental agencies that contribute to religious, educational, charitable, or scientific efforts. It primarily benefits organizations within Georgia and surrounding states. This program holds a particular interest in projects that have a religious affiliation, reflecting the donor's history of support in these areas. The fund is intended to embody the Ottley family's legacy by making impactful contributions to a variety of sectors, including arts, culture, humanities, education, environment, animals, health, human services, international/foreign affairs, public/society benefit, and religion, aiming to improve the world for future generations.


Organization's Location
duis veniam
Program Location
sit ullamco ut occaecat eu fugiat cillum nulla aliquip ea
Organization Type
Ex cillum deserunt in ex quis
  • ut elit laboris minim
  • laboris ea duis nostrud aute reprehenderit culpa exercitation
  • elit sint cillum pariatur in
  • deserunt qui proident in commodo cupidatat fugiat commodo labore


Qui elit ipsum amet irure occaecat
Pariatur eiusmod magna Lorem reprehenderit aliqua labore non ad eu reprehenderit dolore mollit consequat quis consequat
not specified


Review Criteria

aliqua sit ad proident ex Lorem in pariatur Lorem et Lorem mollit consequat occaecat voluptate ut tempor non sint enim fugiat ea commodo culpa

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