Ahmanson Foundation Grant

The Ahmanson Foundation focuses on enhancing the quality of life in Los Angeles County. It supports a broad range of initiatives, including cultural projects in arts and humanities, education across all levels, health care, and programs addressing homelessness and underserved populations, as well as various human services.

Type of Support


The grant program by The Ahmanson Foundation aims to fund organizations within Los Angeles County that are involved in cultural projects, educational initiatives from preschool to higher education, health care services, efforts to alleviate homelessness, support for underserved populations, and a variety of human services. The foundation's goal is to improve life quality in the community through these diverse supports.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Los Angeles County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Public charity organizations
Organizations not private foundations as defined in sections 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
  • Based in and serving Los Angeles County
  • In operation for a minimum of 3-5 years
  • Reflect established and stable leadership


Religious organizations for sectarian or faith propagation purposes
Institutions serving only one religious sect or denomination
Organizations involved in propagandizing, influencing legislation/elections, or promoting voter registration
Organizations with significant expenses on lobbying for political candidates/campaigns or those engaged in political activities/advocacy
Endowed chairs, fellowships, internships, exchanges, or individual scholarships
Annual campaigns or ongoing operational support
Production of film, video, or other media
Deficit financing, loans, or operational debt reduction
Re-granting purposes
Traveling exhibitions, underwriting of performances, seminars, workshops, surveys, or general research
Support of regional or national charities
Disease specific or other medical research
Pilot projects
General solicitations
Fundraising or awards events.
not specified


Review Criteria

To adequately address the diverse requirements of the Los Angeles community, the Foundation gives priority to applications that are for single occurrences or have a short-term duration. Preference will be given to organizations that apply infrequently rather than those that make regular or yearly requests. The main focus is on organizations that operate within and cater to the needs of Los Angeles County.

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