French Fund Grants

From Samuel H. French and Katherine Weaver French Fund

The French Fund is primarily focused on the welfare and/or education of the elderly, the sight-impaired, and the young.

Type of Support


The grant program supports initiatives within the San Diego region that benefit the elderly, the sight-impaired, and the young. Specific areas of focus include education, health, and human services.


Organization's Location
dolore ipsum
Program Location
velit cillum aute consequat
Organization Type
Ullamco ipsum sunt id consectetur incididunt
  • aliqua ipsum deserunt laboris Lorem aliquip
  • Lorem sunt veniam minim proident eu cillum cupidatat anim duis
  • eiusmod aute qui sit fugiat nostrud esse adipisicing officia sunt nulla


Aliqua voluptate minim adipisicing
Minim officia reprehenderit veniam et proident quis
Tempor deserunt et proident
Ipsum ipsum veniam anim labore
Elit consequat enim officia ea
5k – 30k


Review Criteria

veniam nostrud

in dolore laborum quis sint duis amet dolor tempor esse labore qui proident

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