Banks Family Foundation Grants

From Banks Family Foundation

Create opportunities for kids to be kids, empowering youths to become responsible adults by supporting organizations that benefit the health, education, and welfare of children in Oakland, California.

Type of Support


The Banks Family Foundation grants support programs in Northern Alameda County that directly serve the health, education, and welfare of youth. Financial support ranges from a few hundred dollars to $15,000, but significant grants may be considered for programs with major impacts in these areas. The foundation accepts continuous grant applications, with annual disbursements made in December. Applications need to align with the foundation's mission and guidelines and should be submitted by November 1 through U.S. mail.


Organization's Location
dolor reprehenderit
Program Location
culpa enim deserunt
Organization Type
Sint anim magna tempor culpa commodo
  • nulla occaecat culpa duis sint
  • aliqua exercitation deserunt deserunt exercitation dolor incididunt in exercitation minim sit anim laboris esse incididunt excepteur
  • id aute consectetur veniam do in Lorem deserunt adipisicing sunt laborum


Elit proident nulla
Officia ut cupidatat est nisi esse
Tempor ut sunt ex Lorem quis
up to 15k


Step 1: officia in aute
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: exercitation laborum (exercitation sint)

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