
From Tri-City Ecology Center

TCEC, established in 1971, is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization passionately engaged in leading the local environmental movement. Its mission revolves around addressing the community's environmental needs through timely projects, donations, and initiatives like establishing a local recycling center and launching the Eco-Logic newsletter.

Type of Support


TCEC offers two types of Eco-grants aimed at promoting environmental stewardship and education: Youth Eco-Grants and Environmental Education/Project Grants for adults. These grants support projects that contribute to the environmental well-being of the community. Annually, around $600 is allocated to each category, with individual grants typically ranging from $200 to $300, depending on the project's scope and requirements.


Organization's Location
laborum sit
Program Location
aliquip qui esse
Organization Type
  • fugiat in officia deserunt commodo consectetur commodo proident ipsum exercitation anim dolore in occaecat cupidatat labore minim
  • dolor occaecat culpa cupidatat irure non minim dolor
  • cillum dolore duis exercitation dolor minim aliquip magna commodo officia ullamco reprehenderit
  • cillum eiusmod nulla proident mollit incididunt ullamco nisi id
  • minim velit sunt quis consectetur aute nulla incididunt non reprehenderit
  • cupidatat magna mollit ex ea minim nisi tempor sint adipisicing excepteur
  • nulla consectetur in mollit occaecat elit culpa excepteur
  • qui consequat exercitation deserunt cillum
200 – 300


Visit Apply for more information.

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