Junior Board Grants

The Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation focuses on maximizing the potential of youth. Through various initiatives, including the Junior Board Grants, the foundation aims to empower young individuals in Los Angeles County by supporting programs that promote their development and success.

Type of Support


The Junior Board Grants program concentrates on aiding nonprofit organizations within Los Angeles County that align with its annual theme designed to enhance the future of young people. This deliberate choice of themes like S.T.E.M. Through the Arts, Life and Leadership Ready, Mentoring: Support to Success, and Girls, Forward, dictates the type of projects and causes the grants support each year. The maximum grant awarded is $10,000, providing substantial financial assistance to qualifying programs that meet the foundation's goal of fostering youth potential.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Los Angeles County, Santa Clara County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Public charity classified pursuant to sections 509(a)(1) or (2) of the IRS Code
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 10M
  • Located within California
  • Provide direct services to the children and youth of Santa Clara County and/or Los Angeles County
  • Operate on an annual budget of less than $10 million
  • May make exceptions for larger organizations or public charter schools with a small, well-defined, and relatively independent project budget
  • Grant request must not exceed 20% of the total annual budget
  • Must list in-kind support as income


Organizations with less than one full year of operational and financial history as a 501(c)(3) entity
Individual schools, school districts, or home & school clubs
Any organization that discriminates based on age, race, creed, gender, national origin, handicap, sexual orientation, or ethnicity
Religious institutions, except under specific conditions
Organizations without financial statements prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles or that do not meet legal audit requirements
Projects focused on construction, renovation, or capital improvements
Requests for funding to cover past operating deficits or loans
Fundraising events, capital campaigns, or endowment campaigns
Travel expenses, unless essential for implementing the program or project.
up to 10k


Review Criteria

Preference is extended to organizations based in Los Angeles County.

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