ASCA: Harper Arts Touring Fund

From Alaska State Council on the Arts

ASCA represents, supports and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations and agencies throughout Alaska.

Type of Support


The Harper Arts Touring Fund, established by the Rasmuson Foundation and now a program of the Alaska State Council on the Arts, strives to increase access to high-quality performing arts, visual arts, and cultural exhibitions across Alaska. Named in honor of Alaskan arts leader Jerry Harper, the Fund supports the touring of Alaska's arts presentations and exhibitions, especially in communities lacking regular access to such programs. It focuses on subsidizing travel and freight expenses for these tours, enhancing the capacity of small community organizations to host such events, and building audiences for cultural activities and exhibitions through grants. The partnership with the Alaska State Council on the Arts also includes training and technical assistance to bolster community success in presenting performing and visual arts as well as material culture exhibitions.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and are not classified as a private foundation under section 509(a)
Units of government
Tribal entities
Schools, colleges, or universities (if the activity is open to the general public and is not primarily for academic credit or residency)
  • Must be located in Alaska or for projects specifically targeting Alaskan communities
  • Arts presentations and exhibitions eligible include theater, dance, opera, music, literary readings, folk & traditional arts, media arts, and visual art & historical exhibitions
  • Projects must engage communities without regular arts access, feature Alaska-based artists or organizations, design to attract new audiences or reach underserved populations, or multi-community tours within Alaska
  • Tours from outside Alaska require at least two community block-booking
  • Activities must be public and marketed, including an educational/outreach component where possible
  • Lead presenters are responsible for coordination, community engagement, and financial management of the tour, including submitting a final report


Organizations seeking funding for travel/freight for fundraising, benefit concerts or exhibitions
Organizations intending to include production and other presentation/exhibition-related costs as travel and related freight or administrative costs
Organizations aiming to use funds for underwriting ongoing programming budgets
Organizations seeking ongoing support for the exhibition/presentation of the same artist within the same community year-over-year.
not specified


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