The Arctic Slope Community Foundation aims to change lives and improve the quality of life for the people of the Arctic Slope by providing grants to a range of non-profit organizations in the region.
The grant program focuses on supporting non-profit organizations within the Arctic Slope through four main types of grants: Food Security, Healthy Communities, Education, and Inupiaq Arts, Language & Cultural Preservation. Food Security grants support grocery distributions at local food banks, equipment purchases, and initiatives for subsistence and general food security. Healthy Communities grants aim to enhance health, safety, and human/social services, and promote healthy living. Education grants provide resources for educational projects and initiatives. Inupiaq Arts, Language & Cultural Preservation grants allocate resources for preserving Inupiaq arts, language, and culture. Grants are categorized based on the duration and type of charitable activity, including Event, Project, Program, and Capital/Commodity grants, with applications accepted on a rolling basis.
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