ASCA: Helen Walker Performing Arts Grants

From Alaska State Council on the Arts

ASCA represents, supports and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations and agencies throughout Alaska.

Type of Support


The Helen Walker Performing Arts Grant supports the performing arts across Alaska, honoring the legacy of Helen A. Walker, a pivotal advocate for the arts in the state. The grant, managed by the Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation and administered by the Alaska State Council on the Arts, funds projects that enhance the performing arts scene, especially in smaller communities. Eligible projects include those that focus on presenting or touring performances across various disciplines, aim to attract new audiences, and reach underserved communities. The grant supports direct project expenses and, for fiscal year 2023, encourages considering alternative presentation methods and broadening access to the performing arts. Additionally, it supports participation in professional development opportunities for staff of performing arts organizations.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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500 – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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