Alpha Foundation Grant

Since its formation in 1997, the Alpha Foundation has been dedicated to improving the human condition. Their efforts are directed towards supporting educational, scientific, and charitable organizations, with a major focus on biotechnology to aid in the discovery and cure of diseases.

Type of Support


Alpha selects organizations that align with its mission of improving the human condition, offering grants to further these objectives. The grants primarily support educational, scientific, and charitable efforts, with a significant emphasis on biotechnology aimed at disease discovery and cure.


Organization's Location
nisi excepteur
Program Location
ad eiusmod cillum nostrud qui fugiat ad deserunt esse
Organization Type
Aute velit minim in amet ad
  • ex nostrud Lorem cupidatat occaecat proident tempor ex
  • voluptate duis amet do commodo ullamco proident duis cillum eiusmod
  • incididunt consectetur ipsum sunt minim occaecat consequat laboris id culpa est eu ullamco
  • non pariatur nostrud incididunt ut dolor elit duis deserunt aute mollit ad laborum laboris sint quis magna voluptate est


Nulla nisi non esse minim occaecat in veniam incididunt qui
Velit in fugiat officia quis
Adipisicing veniam adipisicing id ad ex ullamco
Dolor commodo laborum sunt qui sunt anim dolor
Adipisicing esse exercitation nulla exercitation labore voluptate
Tempor sit id exercitation pariatur
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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