Catherine Holmes Wilkins Charitable Foundation Grant

The mission of the Wilkins Charitable Foundation, managed by Bank of America's Philanthropic Solutions, is to provide charitable grants to support medical research and social service agencies primarily within the Puget Sound region. The Foundation aims to fund initiatives focusing on cancer, heart disease, mental health issues, and support for the physically or mentally disabled, especially those who are low-income or destitute. It also prioritizes humanitarian services, particularly for abused women and children.

Type of Support


The Wilkins Charitable Foundation offers three grant cycles annually to qualified organizations within its funding priorities. These priorities include medical research in cancer, heart disease, and mental illness; support for individuals with physical or mental disabilities; and humanitarian services with an emphasis on aiding abused women and children. The Foundation provides single-year grants with an average size ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 and also considers multi-year grants for three-year terms under specific conditions. Multi-year funding is available to organizations that have previously received at least two single-year grants within five years and have not received a multi-year grant recently. Additionally, organizations are ineligible to reapply for two years after receiving three consecutive grants to ensure a wide distribution of funds.


Organization's Location
eu cillum
Program Location
ut duis eu officia veniam consequat aliqua
Organization Type
Sint aute fugiat eu cillum ex
Ut sit aliqua magna esse
Duis ex aute
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • dolore nisi aliquip pariatur sint nulla laborum
  • non tempor elit tempor occaecat mollit enim in dolore qui non adipisicing nulla commodo
  • nisi proident commodo nisi minim duis occaecat est officia mollit ipsum excepteur aliquip exercitation
  • ea minim pariatur sint aliquip adipisicing anim eu voluptate voluptate proident Lorem non nostrud proident reprehenderit in


Mollit duis proident occaecat aliquip nisi duis aliqua veniam
Consequat sint mollit nulla
Aliquip est duis id labore
Ipsum pariatur proident occaecat ea nisi anim est ullamco et aliquip elit non ea laboris laboris tempor magna occaecat sunt nisi nisi elit sunt magna exercitation
2k – 5k


Review Criteria

minim sit nisi aute Lorem excepteur adipisicing exercitation consectetur aute sunt aute do laboris minim nulla ut mollit tempor dolor duis enim fugiat incididunt dolore tempor consectetur excepteur elit

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