Forest Foundation: Capital Projects Grant

From Forest Foundation (WA)

The Forest Foundation is dedicated to improving life quality in Southwest Washington, particularly in Tacoma and Pierce County. It supports effective non-profits and citizen initiatives that deliver measurable results, emphasizing honesty, integrity, respect, community-based leadership, and community strengthening by committed individuals. The Foundation focuses on supporting organizations with programmatic and fiscal accountability, innovative solutions, ongoing planning and evaluation, strategic alliances, and diverse, well-managed leadership.

Type of Support


The Forest Foundation Grant supports various program areas with the overarching goal of enriching community life and wellbeing. These areas include:

  • Children and Youth Development: Supporting programs that improve the physical and emotional health of children and youth, reduce isolation, and instill hope amidst adversity.
  • Community and Environment: Backing efforts that encourage stewardship of the natural world, with a preference for projects that engage diverse communities and promote volunteerism.
  • Community Building and Development: Aiming to cultivate vibrant communities through civic engagement, volunteerism, and community-based self-determination.
  • Culture and the Arts: Funding organizations and projects that foster community and economic development through relevant, high-quality cultural and artistic experiences.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Providing support for initiatives that assist individuals and families on their journey toward self-sufficiency, from basic needs access to skill-building for financial stability, with a focus on empowering self-improvement.


Organization's Location
aliqua exercitation
Program Location
occaecat commodo minim ea ad ut aliquip cillum nisi ut
Organization Type
Ad non amet id non ad
Tempor veniam anim consectetur do occaecat aliqua adipisicing
  • esse non aliquip Lorem voluptate veniam
  • esse enim magna laboris eu velit irure et
  • sunt occaecat voluptate incididunt cillum laborum exercitation non consequat incididunt reprehenderit
  • cupidatat reprehenderit voluptate ipsum fugiat do sint ipsum sunt ex magna aute cillum anim aute ipsum veniam minim enim sint excepteur magna
  • commodo ullamco excepteur adipisicing laboris nulla ut non in


Aute qui exercitation sunt labore sunt officia
Laborum esse velit enim
Consequat enim eiusmod dolore
Nisi commodo dolor
Sunt consectetur officia officia
Sunt elit
Magna officia pariatur adipisicing est aliqua
Eiusmod exercitation anim exercitation reprehenderit sit minim in officia
not specified


Step 1: cillum ut
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: Lorem do (sit ipsum)

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