PACCAR Foundation Grant

The PACCAR Foundation, established in 1951, focuses its philanthropy primarily in communities where PACCAR Inc has a significant presence, supporting organizations and initiatives related to United Way, education, healthcare, arts, economic education, and other community betterment programs.

Type of Support


The grant program of the PACCAR Foundation aims to support organizations and projects where PACCAR Inc has a significant presence, focusing on sectors such as education, healthcare, the arts, and economic education. The emphasis is on capital campaigns for the acquisition or improvement of facilities for social and health services, education, and cultural affairs. The Foundation typically does not fund proposals for program funds, operational budget support, or fundraising events.


Organization's Location
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA
Program Location
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom, OK (Tulsa County), TX (Denton County), WA (King County)
Organization Type
  • Organizations within the service area of a significant PACCAR presence, such as a factory or a major office.


Organizations applying more than once in a year
Organizations seeking financial support through sponsorships, dinner, or event tickets
Those looking for the purchase of advertising space in publications
Applicants making telephone solicitations
Specific churches seeking support for religious advocacy
Those expecting automatic renewal of contributions
Individuals seeking scholarships or personal grants
Organizations requesting personal interviews with trustees.
not specified


Review Criteria

The provision of funds for capital projects may depend on the acquisition of necessary permits and the commencement of construction.

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