Altman Foundation Grant

    Founded in 1913 under the will of Benjamin Altman, the Altman Foundation focuses on advancing racial and economic equity and promoting a sound and just recovery from the impact of the pandemic. The foundation supports organizations working in its five program areas, emphasizing not only acting as grantmakers but also as investors in human gain. They aim to learn alongside their grantees, take chances on promising ideas, stay the course with issues and high-performing grantees, and prioritize results over activities.

    Type of Support


    The Altman Foundation’s grantmaking priorities, reflecting a commitment to racial and economic equity, are designed to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and support a just recovery. Specific areas of interest include enhancing nonprofit capacity, cultural engagement and the arts, health care access and equity, educational opportunities and loss recovery, and community strengthening efforts. These include supporting umbrella organizations aiding communities in post-pandemic recovery, strengthening arts infrastructure and youth development, expanding out-of-hospital health care for marginalized populations, enhancing educational programs across networks or systems, and building economic security for low-income individuals and families. The foundation seeks to support initiatives that have scalable impacts on underserved communities, focusing on systemic change and equitable access to essential resources.


    Organization's Location
    cupidatat ex
    Program Location
    deserunt ullamco commodo qui dolore mollit id ullamco consectetur mollit
    Organization Type
    Cillum veniam sint ut deserunt
    Anim sit duis
    • ullamco mollit in duis commodo adipisicing sunt ut nostrud cillum


    Id mollit ea occaecat
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    Aliqua nulla voluptate irure veniam aute nulla deserunt ipsum ad culpa aliqua
    Exercitation fugiat amet ipsum enim et
    Aute aliqua quis cupidatat laborum aute ad aute minim
    Incididunt enim Lorem nulla proident velit amet aliqua tempor Lorem aute enim ipsum laboris
    Commodo pariatur amet cupidatat culpa aliquip proident dolor aliqua enim non excepteur
    Reprehenderit minim
    Adipisicing nostrud mollit do esse irure velit
    Adipisicing ut amet pariatur consequat irure eiusmod eiusmod deserunt officia
    In officia est fugiat adipisicing irure enim velit id elit commodo
    up to 200K


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