Dyson Foundation Mini-Grant Program

The Dyson Foundation is dedicated to supporting nonprofit organizations in the Mid-Hudson Valley region that focus on meeting basic human needs such as housing, family stability, youth development, healthcare access, food security, and other essential human services. It places particular emphasis on aiding those who are economically disadvantaged or marginalized.

Type of Support


The Dyson Foundation's mini-grant program is designed to aid Mid-Hudson Valley organizations in capacity building projects aimed at enhancing administrative, governance, and programmatic functions. Through the tool of mini-grants, the program emphasizes the development of new skills for nonprofit board, staff, and volunteer leaders by sponsoring consultancy-led capacity-building activities, alongside opportunities for attending conferences, seminars, and other training avenues. The grant focuses on several key areas including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, operational enhancements, planning, and professional development. Following the completion of a project funded by a mini-grant, organizations may also apply for mini-implementation grants of up to $3,000 to help implement the project's results or recommendations, covering costs like continued consulting, marketing materials, and web design.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NY (Columbia County, Dutchess County, Greene County, Orange County, Putnam County, Ulster County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Private/Independent Elementary and Secondary Schools serving children with special needs
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than 20M
  • Required to match 20% of the total cost of a consultancy or training
  • Funding can cover up to 80% of total costs, with a maximum award of $15,000
  • Project budget may include overhead costs up to 15%; staff time is not eligible
  • Generally limited to one mini-grant per calendar year
  • Located in the Mid-Hudson Valley region (Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, and Ulster counties)
  • For schools: must meet the eligibility criteria for either the Management Assistance Program (MAP) or the Strategic Restructuring Initiative


Independent schools serving the general population
New and emerging organizations without formal programming or support
Organizations with budgets over $20 million
Organizations serving the whole of New York State
Uses for direct professional services, required training for licensing/professional certification, or projects already in progress
Fiscal agents
Government units (except for consolidation/merger projects)
Nonprofit fire and rescue squads
Rotary clubs and similar service clubs
Purposes like galas, fundraising events, tickets, sponsorships, direct mail campaigns, international projects, general endowments, debt or deficit reduction
Faith-based organizations requesting management assistance mini-grants or general operating support
Organizations discriminating based on age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious belief
up to 15k


Visit Apply for more information.

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